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2018: A turbulent & challenging year
As we look back on 2018, I think it’s only fair to conclude that the year has had more lows than highs for our industry.
Brexit fears and the UK steel sector
Brexit is at a critical final phase, and concerns across many industries are increasing about the huge impact a ‘no deal’ scenario would have on them.
In the fast lane at Spa-Francorchamps
As players in the global steel industry, Steel Solutions is used to operating in the fast lane of international trade and logistics.
Markets yet to cool down after hot summer
As we return to our desks after a long and hot summer
Keep your eye on the ball, and other less-obvious lessons business leaders can take away from World Cup 2018
Wibo Feijen, CEO of Steel Solutions, to address prestigious international steel conference…
World Cup 2018 – Lessons for Business #2
Wibo Feijen, CEO of Steel Solutions, to address prestigious international steel conference…
World Cup 2018 – Lessons for Business
Wibo Feijen, CEO of Steel Solutions, to address prestigious international steel conference…
Europe Steel Markets – Change the Status Quo
Wibo Feijen, CEO of Steel Solutions, to address prestigious international steel conference…
Europe Steel Markets 2018
Wibo Feijen, CEO of Steel Solutions, to address prestigious international steel conference…
Status update a week after introduction of Trump steel tariffs
What impact will Trump steel tariffs have on our sector?…
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